Welcome!... ..... #Lassafever can be transmitted by food that has been contaminated by urine and faeces of infected rats. Practice proper food processing and storage. Store food and food items away from animals and cook them properly before eating. ..... #Handwashing is a basic and effective tools against infections. If we don’t become sick, we could not need to use #antibiotics. Be an #AntibiotricGuardian and promote the culture of #handwashing. ..... Do you know, Fever, cough, sneezing, headache and difficulty in breathing are Symptoms of Coronavirus ..... Healthcare workers are advised to always be vigilant-lookout for symptoms of #LassaFever, not all fevers are malaria. .....

Dept Content

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Dr Yakubu M Adinoyi.
Consultant  Anesthesiologists
Dr Yakubu M Adinoyi.


Department of Anaesthesia, Pain and intensive Care.

The Department was established in 2014 and has been an integral part of the hospital since when it was established. The Department is well staffed with Consultant  Anesthesiologists, Resident doctors, Medical officer, Nurse Anaesthetists and supporting staff. Services rendered are:
(1)   Resuscitation services
(2)    Perioperative management of Patients
(3)    Intensive care  management of patients
(4)    Management of oxygen utilization
(5)     Anaesthesia and Pain clinic for acute and chronic pain management
(6)     Labour Analgesia service
(7)    Sedation for endoscopy (upper & Lower)
The Department provides the above services to All the Medical, Obstetric and Surgical Departments of the Hospital. The current Head of Department is Dr Yakubu M Adinoyi.