Welcome!... ..... #Lassafever can be transmitted by food that has been contaminated by urine and faeces of infected rats. Practice proper food processing and storage. Store food and food items away from animals and cook them properly before eating. ..... #Handwashing is a basic and effective tools against infections. If we don’t become sick, we could not need to use #antibiotics. Be an #AntibiotricGuardian and promote the culture of #handwashing. ..... Do you know, Fever, cough, sneezing, headache and difficulty in breathing are Symptoms of Coronavirus ..... Healthcare workers are advised to always be vigilant-lookout for symptoms of #LassaFever, not all fevers are malaria. .....

Dept Content

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Dr. Bioku A. Abass
Dr. Bioku A. Abass


The department of psychiatry was running as a unit until 2016 when it was fully established as a department. The first head was Dr Abdullahi Ibrahim, the former medical director of the hospital. Subsequently Dr Abass Bioku became head of the department in 2018 till date.
The scope of the responsibility
Emergency psychiatric services
In-patient ward services
Outpatient clinic services
Encephalograph investigative services
Consultation Liaison between other clinical departments
Mental health research and education
Training of residents from family medicine 
The department has successfully organized and participated in three consecutive Mental Health Days Symposium, Health lectures and rallies.
The Unique selling points
Emergency Psychiatric Service
Consultation Liaison between clinical departments
Psychotherapy and Counselling Services
Adult Epilepsy services